
(A) Books

Nakayama, Mineharu, Su, Yi-ching, & Huang, Aijun (2017) Studies in Chinese and Japanese Language Acquisition: In Honor of Stephen Crain. John Benjamins Publishing Co.

Su, Yi-ching (2001) Scope and Specificity in Child Language: A Cross-Linguistic Study on English and Chinese (Unpublished dissertation, University of Maryland, College Park)

(B) Journal articles / Book chapters

Su, Yi-ching. (under review) Children’s interpretation of exclusive zhiyou ‘only’: Subject-predicate asymmetry in discourse effect. (MOST 104-2410-H-007-041)

Su, Yi-ching. (2020) Backward / forward anaphora in child and adult Mandarin Chinese. Language Acquisition: A Journal of Developmental Linguistics, 27(2), pp. 187-216 (DOI: 10.1080/10489223.2019.1659795) (SSCI, AHCI, impact factor 1.147 in 2018) (NSC 100-2628-H-007 -037 -MY3)

Su, Yi-ching (2017) Logophoric ziji in Mandarin child language. In M. Nakayama & Y.-C. Su & A. Huang (eds.) Studies in Chinese and Japanese Language Acquisition: In Honor of Stephen Crain, 65-83. John Benjamins Publishing Co. (NSC 100-2628-H-007-037-MY3)

Su, Yi-ching (2015) L1 Acquisition of Syntax, Overview. In R. Sybesma (ed.) Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics.

Su, Yi-ching, Lee, Chia-Ying, & Tsai, Jie-Li (2013) Child-adult parallels on scope ambiguity resolution in Mandarin Chinese. In Y. Otsu (ed.) The Proceedings of the 14th Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics, 201-220. Hituzi Syobo Publishing. (NSC 100-2628-H-007-037-MY3)

Su, Yi-ching (2013) Interpretations of VP-ellipsis sentences in Mandarin. In S. Stavrakaki, M Lalioti, and P. Konstantinopoulou (eds.) Advances in Language Acquisition, 200-206. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. (NSC 100-2628-H-007-037-MY3)

Su, Yi-ching (2010) Temporal reference of bare verbs in Mandarin child language. In Chris Wilder and Tor A. Afarli (eds.) Chinese Matters: From Grammar to First and Second Language Acquisition (p. 131-151). Tapir Academic Press: Norway. (NSC 98-2410-H-007-050)

Su, Yi-ching (2010) Knowledge of structural constraints on dative alternation in children’s pronoun interpretation. Lingua, 120, 1-21. (NSC 94-2411-H-007-023) (SSCI, A&HCI)

Su, Yi-ching (2008) Structure and context effects in scope ambiguity resolution. Language and Linguistic, 9 (3), 585-627. (NSC92 -2411-H-007-040) (SSCI, A&HCI)

Su, Yi-ching, Lee, Shu-er, & Chung, Yuh-mei (2007) Asyntactic thematic role assignment by Mandarin aphasics: A test of the Trace Deletion Hypothesis and the Double Dependency Hypothesis. Brain and Language, 101, 1-18 (NSC91 -2411 -H -003 –052) (SCI, SSCI)

Su, Yi-ching (2006) Word order effect in children's garden path of relative clauses. Concentric, 32 (2), 33-57. (NSC 93-2411-H-007-036)

Su, Yi-ching (2004) The Development of Long-Distance Binding for Chinese Ziji Revisited. In Chinese Journal of Psychology, Vol. 46, No. 3, pp. 249-257. (TSSCI) (NSC 90-2416-H-003-002)

Su, Yi-ching, & Crain, Stephen (2002) The Non-Alternation of Dative Shift in Child English. In Proceedings of the GALA (Generative Approach to Language Acquisition) 2001 Conference on Language Acquisition, pp. 255-262.