Su, Yi-ching, Lo, Lydia, Yan, Chen-Yun, & Kung,I-Han (2021) Structure and discourse prominence in search for the antecedent of Ziji: An acceptability rating study. Poster presented in the 3rd International Conference on Theoretical East Asian Psycholinguistics (ICTEAP-3), Nov. 20-21, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan.
Pai, Isabella Wen-Yi, & Su, Yi-ching (2021) Adjunct and complex NP islands in Mandarin: An acceptability rating study. Poster presented in the 3rd International Conference on Theoretical East Asian Psycholinguistics (ICTEAP-3), Nov. 20-21, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan.
Su, Yi-ching (2019) To transfer or not to transfer: Backward anaphora in L2 acquisition of English and Mandarin. Paper presented in the Conference on Acquisition of Chinese: Bilingualism and Multilingualism, July 1-3, University of Cambridge, UK.
Su, Yi-ching (2019) Do all null-subject languages follow the Overt Pronoun Constraint? The case of Mandarin Chinese. Paper presented in the 15th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition, March 22-24, The University of Nevada, Reno.
Su, Yi-ching (2017) Distinct developmental patterns for anaphoric vs logophoric ziji. Paper presented in the 13th Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition, Sep. 7-9, Palma de Mallorca.
Su, Yi-ching (2017) Rethinking parameter setting from locality and orientation constraints for ziji in Mandarin. Paper presented in the 1st International Conference on Theoretical East Asian Psycholinguistics, March 10-12, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Su, Yi-ching, Chen, Tzu-Yu, & Tuan, Yu-Rou (2017) An empirical evaluation on the subject/object asymmetry of Chinese complex NP island. Poster presented in the 1st International Conference on Theoretical East Asian Psycholinguistics, March 10-12, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Su, Yi-ching (2016) Felicity Condition and Children’s Knowledge of Restrictive Focus. Poster presented in the 29th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, March 3-5, University of Florida.
Su, Yi-ching (2016) 'Only' for Children. Paper presented in the Workshop of Presuppositions in Language Acquisition, the Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society in Konstanz, Feb. 24-26, Konstanz University, Germany.
Su, Yi-ching (2015) Logophoric Ziji in Mandarin Child Language. Paper presented in East Asian Language Acquisition Workshop, Soochow University, March 27.
Su, YI-ching (2015) The development of structural and pragmatic restrictions on anaphora in child Mandarin. Poster presented in Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition in North America, University of Maryland, College Park.
Su, Yi-ching, & Cheng, Chieh-chih (2014) A developmental study on the non-interrogative interpretations of Mandarin wh-words. Paper presented in International Conference on Formal Linguistics, Tsing Hua University, Beijing.
Su, Yi-ching (2014) Logophoric ziji in child Mandarin. Paper presented in the 3rd Chinese Syntax and Semantics Forum, Xiang-Tan University, Hunan, China, Oct. 17-19.
Su, Yi-ching, Lee, Chia-Ying, & Tsai, Jie-Li (2013) Child-adult parallels on scope ambiguity resolution in Mandarin Chinese. Paper presented in Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics, Keio University, Tokyo, March 8, 9.
Su, Yi-ching (2012) Modal reference effect as the analogue to root infinitive in child Mandarin. Paper presented in IACL, Hong Kong, and also a poster presented in GALANA, USA.
Su, Yi-ching, & Lee, Chia-Ying (2012) An electrophysiological study on scope ambiguity resolution in Mandarin Chinese. Poster presented in IACL, Hong Kong.
Su, Yi-ching (2011) Interpretations of VP-ellipsis sentences in Mandarin. Poster presented in Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Su, Yi-ching (2010) On-line processing of scope ambiguity resolution: A preliminary study. Paper presented in Workshop on Acquisition of Scope and Phrase Structure. Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Su, Yi-ching (2009) Temporal reference of bare verbs in Mandarin child language. Paper presented in the 34th Boston University Conference on Language Development, November 6-8, Boston, USA. (NSC 95-2411-H-007-015)
Su, Yi-ching (2009) Syntax vs. discourse constrained Ziji in Mandarin child language. Paper presented in the 32 Generative Linguistics in the Old World, Acquisition Workshop, April 15-18, Nantes, France. (NSC 94-2411-H-007-023)
Su, Yi-ching (2007) Resolving children’s comprehension difficulties on Chinese OO relative Clauses. Paper presented in the Acquisition Workshop of GLOW in Asia VI, Chinese University of Hong Kong. (NSC 93-2411-H-007-036)
Su, Yi-ching (2005) Word order effect in children's comprehension of relative clauses. Poster presented in the 2005 Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition, University of Siena, Italy. (NSC 93-2411-H-007-036)
Su, Yi-ching (2004) Relatives of Mandarin children. Paper presented in the 2004 Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition in North America, the University of Hawaii at Manoa. (NSC 92-2411-H-007-040)
Su, Yi-ching (2003) Chinese children’s ziji. Paper presented in the 28th Boston University Conference on Language Development. (NSC 90-2416-H-003-002)
Su, Yi-ching (2003) Children don’t always follow c-command as a scope principle. Paper presented in GLOW 2003 Workshop on Generative Approaches to Language Development, Lund, Sweden. (NSC 90-2416-H-003-002)
Su, Yi-ching (2002) The acquisition of Chinese long-distance binding. Paper presented in the 10th International Conference on Cognitive Processing of Chinese and Other Related Asian Languages, Taipei, Taiwan. (NSC 90-2416-H-003-002)
Su, Yi-ching (2002) Syllable weight in stress assignment of two Rukai dialects. Paper presented in the 8th International Symposium on Chinese Languages and Linguistics (IsCLL-8), Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
Su, Yi-ching (2001) Numeral NPs as Non-Quantificational in Child Mandarin. Paper presented in the 10th International Association of Chinese Linguistics Annual Conference, University of California, Irvine.
Su, Yi-ching (2000) Scope and Specificity in Child Language. Paper presented in the 2000 Boston University Conference on Language Development
Su, Yi-ching (2000) Children's Scope Taking in Double Object Construction. Paper presented in the 36th Chicago Linguistics Society Conference
Su, Yi-ching (1999) Asyntactic Thematic Role Assignment: Implications from Chinese Aphasia. Paper presented in the Annual Meeting of Linguistic Society of America, Los Angeles.
Su, Yi-ching (1997 The Representations of Compounds and Phrases in the Mental Lexicon: Evidence from Chinese. Paper presented in the 6th International Conference on Chinese Linguistics, Leiden, Holland.
Su, Yi-ching (1995) The Decomposed Representation of Compounds in Written Chinese. Poster presented in the annual conference of Academy of Aphasia, San Diego.
Su, Yi-ching (1995) The Representation of Compounds vs. Phrases: Evidence from Chinese. Poster presented in the annual conference of Psychonomic Society, Los Angeles.
Su, Yi-ching (1993) A study of syntactic comprehension of a Chinese agrammatic patient. Paper presented in the 2nd International Conference on Chinese Linguistics, Paris.